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100 ways to uncomplicate life…

April 18, 2011
I have been completly obsessed with StumbleUpon. A “social media” type of website that allows you to specify what you are interested in and allows you to “stumble” the web while it shows you websites, blogs and images that it believes you may enjoy.
Needless to stay I have been “stumbling.” I came across a blog called bellaMUMMA, the blog post that it suggested was 100 ways to uncomplicate life. This post seemed oh so fitting to my current status. Therefore I have decided to repost the list to share myself… complements of bellaMUMMA of course. [thank you]
Here are 100 ways to uncomplicate it…
1. Don’t try to read other people’s minds
2. Get up 30 minutes earlier so that you don’t rush/get a ticket while driving too fast/have to explain why you’re late/get fired
3. Get 8 hours of sleep per night so that you think more clearly
4. Stick to your budget
5. Start saving and investing every week, no matter how little you can spare
6. Balance your checkbook
7. Don’t try to be friends with everyone. Cultivate closer relationships with fewer people.
8. Don’t try to do business with everyone. Identify your target client and take very good care of them.
9. Before getting angry, ask yourself if it will really matter in 20 years
10. Focus on being a good person, not on pleasing others
11. Stay home this Saturday, and finish off that nagging chore that you need to finish
12. Kiss and make up
13. Make a weekly menu, and shop for only those items at the market
14. Ask your grandparents the best way to uncomplicate life, and try it for a month
15. Fill up your gas tank when it’s half full
16. Don’t drink alcohol when you’re tired, sad or mad
17. Pay your bills on time
18. Get an annual physical examination
19. Say “I love you” to your significant other and to your children. Studies show that more marriages last, and fewer kids use drugs, when these words are spoken every day.
20. For just one day, imagine everyone’s intentions are good because most people’s are
21. Give away clothes that haven’t been worn in two years
22. Throw out clothes that are in disrepair, and can’t be mended
23. When you have a conflict with someone, talk it out. Don’t let it turn into more than it is.
24. Know what your priorities are in life, and act as if they are your priorities
25. Tell the truth
26. Don’t cheat
27. Don’t steal
28. If you’re holding on to a ridiculous grudge, let it go
29. Clean your house weekly, so that it doesn’t become too large a chore
30. Do your best at work, or at school
31. Don’t eat when you aren’t hungry
32. Eat when you are hungry
33. Be yourself
34. Say no unapologetically
35. Cook simple meals
36. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses
37. Pay off your car before buying a new one
38. Organise your desk at the office
39. Change your smoke alarm batteries when the clocks spring forward, and again when they fall back
40. Organise your important paperwork
41. Take only half the clothes that you planned to take with you on holiday
42. Help your children with their homework every night, and have an open dialogue with their teachers
43. Have white sheets and white towels in children’s rooms/bathrooms, because they’re easily bleached
44. Spend your time with nice people
45. Avoid drama
46. Don’t text or talk on the phone while driving
47. Turn off the television/video games/computer; they’re time consumers
48. Don’t engage in office politics
49. Refuse to gossip, or talk behind other people’s backs
50. Do the dishes right after dinner
51. Never go to sleep angry
52. Ask nicely for what you need and want
53. Walk 10,000 steps per day to help your heart
54. Do 20 push-ups before speaking in anger
55. Leave work at work
56. Don’t befriend anyone that isn’t trustworthy
57. Don’t envy others
58. Have your oil changed
59. Take vitamin C BEFORE you catch a cold
60. Don’t work more than 8 hours per day
61. Weed your garden weekly
62. Wash your car weekly
63. Have a spring cleaning month every year, and do one room at a time
64. You don’t need to be best friends with work colleagues, but build respectful partnerships
65. Don’t drink and drive
66. Don’t look for reasons to be angry or sad, look for reasons to be happy. You’ll always be able to find plenty of each.
67. Be friendly with your neighbours
68. Return emails and phone messages promptly
69. Schedule in free time
70. Don’t procrastinate
71. Do what you say you’ll do, when you say you’ll do it
72. Be more flexible when you’re able to be
73. Forgive and forget. End of story.
74. Break the consumerism habit…put a three month moratorium in place on buying anything not deemed a necessity
75. Start your diet on September 1, rather than January 1, so that you won’t also have holiday pounds to lose
76. Take care of any health issues or concerns
77. Have your tires rotated
78. Have your brakes checked
79. Have your eyes checked
80. Don’t let your imagination run away with you
81. Let go of perfection in others
82. Let go of perfection in yourself
83. Don’t try to help those that refuse to help themselves
84. Find a way to reduce your commute to work
85. Have an alloted amount of worry time per day/week, that you strictly abide by
86. Drink more water
87. Eat more salmon
88. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill
89. Wear your hair in a classic, easy to care for style
90. Finish what you start
91. Wear classic clothes and shoes that never go out of style
92. Create a daily routine
93. Have a 1, 5, 10 and 20 year plan for your financial and life goals
94. Slow down
95. Eat out less often
96. When you ask your husband which outfit looks best, thank him for his answer and wear the one he liked rather than focusing on why he didn’t like the other one
97. Allow your children to grow up
98. Clean out your garage, and donate anything that hasn’t been used in the past year
99. Stretch every day
100. If a relationship is over, let it go
So do me a favor, read through the list and uncomplicate your life. I know I am.

New favorite place

January 22, 2011

Well I don’t think anywhere can beat out a nice morning or afternoon in Starbucks but it sure tried this morning. I met with my co-president (something new we are trying this semester) for Whitewater Advertising Association this morning at The Sweet Spot in Whitewater. This place is a close contender to Starbucks and the closest thing to it in Whitewater. I paid $2.00 for a bottomless coffee mug and was off to a great semester start with my Co. After we knocked out an amazing semester calender and a few cups of joe I had to go to the Whitewater Arts Alliance since I signed up to volunteer. First off, I have never stepped foot in this building in Whitewater that is a temporary home to paintings and work of art on display. Second… big mistake. This place is cool, new and a little different in a good way. The art ranges from paintings to small sculptures and painted furniture. There are some amazing pieces of work. That’s all for now, back to the books.


NY Hostel

January 19, 2011

Europe has them, you have seen them in movies,  I have never stayed in one, but New York has its very own… a hostel.

For $34 dollars a night and a bit less for group rates a traveler can stay in a hostel. I am not too sure how I feel about this. It is an awesome idea but isn’t it a bit out of the American norm? We love our personal space and our swanky hotel rooms. Of course as a poor college student who loves that city I would not be opposed to spending the night in a hostel but the only question I have is, where do you put your belongings…

Check out more on the Central Park Hostel for yourself:




January 17, 2011

Boy, I am not doing well on my resolution so far! I have not updated in a while because I have had a lot to organize before my trip back to WW for spring semester… which is today!

I am a little bittersweet about heading back, yes I love hanging out with the people I have not seen in forever, and I do not mind class, I also enjoy being around the BF, but I am going to miss Starbucks… haha well and a few other things.

I am very overwhelmed going into this semester. Normally I have a few more days to prepare for the tsunami that is about to hit me tomorrow at 9:30, but I had to work yesterday and I had a few appointments back in Milwaukee this morning that would have not made sense of me to drive back yesterday or earlier. Today happens to also be the day that we are expected to receive a large amount of snow… It has been successfully snowing for a few hours where I am at now and its a little slippery on the roads so this will made for a LONG commute back to WW.

Other than that I am happy to start this semester. I will be having a pretty lax schedule of classes only on Tuesday/Thursdays and Work Monday and Wednesdays (Nothing on Fridays due to AMA events). I am also happy to start up AMA again. I missed the busy work… don’t get me wrong, I kept myself plenty busy on break, coming up with small projects here and there to work on.

Now I am sitting in my favorite place, you guessed it, Starbucks. Getting a goodbye drink before I head to my last appointment before departure!

Adios Milwaukee.

Side Note: I scored this amazing style book at the Library…you will hear more about it later 😀

Starbucks Squatter

January 11, 2011

Starbucks has basically became my “office” this winter break. I am not able to successfully focus at home therefore I pack my laptop, folder and planner up and head to the nearest Starbucks. I am not arguing I love the convenience of my favorite coffee establishment being so close to my residence but each visit I notice the different people that Starbucks attracts.

Today, as I sit in Starbucks knocking out my last assignment for my Feature Writing course there are two girls sitting across the cafe whose discussion makes me think.

In between their random quiet spurts of studying for what I am assuming is high school finals I catch a little bit of what they are discussing. Topics ranging from what car their dad should buy them, spirit week, small family spats and prom dresses and dates. Freaking out over a boy who just had called them and giggling uncontrollably, I remember these discussions and actions taking priority to my school work way back then (3 1/2 years to be exact). Which in a overall look, is not a long time ago by any means. But when I look back I think of how much has changed.

An interesting discussion of theirs has caught my attention. One other the two was talking to the other about how busy her life has gotten. Giving the example of waking up each day and having a completely planned out and structured day. Not much different from what I have been experiencing the past few semesters and even in high school. I was extremly busy in high school, from what I remember but I don’t believe I ever complained. I very much enjoyed that I was hopping between 6:00am D.E.C.A study sessions and ending my day at 6:00pm with Pom practice. I crave that busy schedule. I am a self diagnosed hard worker. I am not one to sit through a television show or movie without multitasking and I do not mind. I love having a full planner and attacking each task with the same amount of effort.

I thank these young girls (in perspective I am not that much older than them) for helping me realize how much I have grown. I have broader goals than I did three years ago and I am happy that I am successfully pursuing them.

** Received a free refill from the Barista, made my night! **


My Journey as a Writer

January 10, 2011

Over these past three weeks in my feature writing winter course I have learned a lot about feature writing. I am not sure where I  thought magazine’s obtained their articles and topics from, but I really enjoyed learning the process of how an article gets published.

This lesson comes to great use, I have a list of where I would like to be in the next few years and what I would like to accomplish. Learning about the inside works of a magazine and writing helps point me in the correct direction I would like to head. I have always been fascinated by magazines. I am a subscriber to Cosmopolitan and Self magazine and look forward to my issue coming each month.

As a writer, I have noticed that I have grown in the aspect of developing topic ideas. This class has motivated me to think outside the box to develop story ideas that I would generally not write about.

After this class, if time permits I would not be opposed to producing small articles that I can experiment with sending out. If I write about a topic I am interested in, it is not hard for me to focus and write a great article about it.

The ways that I could use improvement on is the execution of the story. I have greatly improved on developing an idea, writing and executing the idea has been a bit more difficult. I tend to second guess my angle and where I want to go with the story. I need to work on solely focusing on the topic and sticking to the plan. The greatest part of the course I took was learning that writing can be fun. I have always taken my ability to write a story efficiently for granted. The discovery of having fun while writing has been the greatest discovery of this course. The toughest part of writing relates to what I spoke of earlier, the execution.

I think another great thing about writing is that you can relate the story to anyone. Blogging has been a great discovery for me throughout this course. I enjoy sharing things with people and the chance to document what is going on in my life. I am going to exercise this chance to share what is occurring in my life and maintain this blog. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I have a very busy year approaching and look forward to where this blog will lead.



January 6, 2011

While I was working out today something came to mind. My living room at school is very blah and does not contain color whatsoever. During my workout the magazine Health was my companion and there was an article about spicing up your kitchen. Well, since my kitchen is small and I have already taken the task of adding some simple color I thought about a room that does need a little pick me up… the living room.

The first think I thought that will brighten up this less than exciting room are pillows. Pillows seem to be expensive for a college student like myself. Ones that I really like can run up to $60. Since I am looking for a bit more color here and there I am not willing to spend that kind of money on a pillow. My solution: This afternoon I am heading to JoAnn Fabrics and Walmart to roam the fabric. I am an amateur sewer but sewing a pillow seems as though I will be able to pull it off.

The second thing my living room could use are art on the walls. Art seems to run with a pretty hefty price tag. Thank goodness my mother’s Midwest Living Magazine made its appearance in the mailbox this morning and inside it had this great DIY idea. The fabric I use on the pillows (possibly a similar design or color shade) can be placed in a frame and hung up! It is a simple way of incorporating the vibe of the room in ever aspect. Another DIY wall handing is the simple act of covering a artist canvas with fabric. Using a stable gun wrap the canvas with desired fabric and attach.

The third DIY craft I stumbled upon was in Redbook Magazine. They are called DIY Bottle vases. Take ordinary bottles, glue dots and wrapping/scrapbook paper and attach a small strip encasing the bottle. It is a simple way to recycle bottles and make them into an awesome table piece.

Wish me luck! Look forward to an “before” and “after” photos!

Writer’s Block

January 6, 2011

Writer’s Block, according to the online dictionary of Merriam Webster, writers block is, a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from proceeding with  a piece of writing.

There are some articles or homework assignments that come naturally to me. I can sit down and knock out the paper in less than an hour. There are also those assignments that I can have living on my computer’s desktop for weeks before its due and have no idea how to start it or even what to write in the paper. Its frustrating and actually makes you stress out about the paper more than required. A possibility to the cause of my writers block is the fact that I over think material on occasions. I have the tenancy of over thinking what needs to be in the article and how I need to get the point across. I found an article online that suggests practical tips to overcoming writers block, I have chosen a two to share. (10 tips of overcoming writers block) If you would like to read the remaining eight please follow the previous link.

Implement a writing schedule:
Carve out a time to write and then ignore the writer’s block. Show up to write, even if nothing comes right away. When your body shows up to the page at the same time and place every day, eventually your mind — and your muse — will do the same.

Reconsider your writing place:
Are your desk and chair comfortable? Is your space well-lit? Would it help to try writing in a coffee shop for a change? Without being too precious about it — or turning it into another form of procrastination — think about how you can create or find a space you’ll look forward to being in.

I chose these two to share because I recently overcame a major writers block. I sat in my room with my door shut and absolutely no distractions. This still didnt seem to ease my mind and allow me to write. Therefore I packed a tote and drove to the nearest Starbucks. I believe that I always write a bit better with a Latte next to me. I was able to write not only the story I was struggling on but knock out a second one as well. I also hold truth to the suggestion of writing at a specific time. I have learned that the times in which I am most productive on a assignment is late at night. I have nothing else to focus on besides hoping I wake up decent the next morning. It is much more relaxing and I am able to concentrate.

So, next time you ever sit down and am cursed with a blank mind, please take advantage of the advice. Browsing the web or logging on to Facebook is not always a practical answer.

❤ Liz

New Year, New “Resolution”

January 6, 2011

I have not always been one that kept a new years resolution. There is always a first for something though. This year I plan on starting, maintaining and keeping my new years resolution.

I have made resolutions in the past that consisted of not biting my nails, not eating chocolate, working out everyday, no junk food, not drinking coffee (I think that lasted a day), tracking my spending and taking a photo everyday of the year. I find every year that I start these resolutions and may maintain them for a week or two. When December comes around I can not even recall what my resolution was in the first place.

I am going to state now, that my new years resolution is going to be that I maintain and keep this blog. I would like to document this upcoming year since I have a lot to look forward to. Whether it is a post a week or every day I want to keep writing. I have come across many interesting things this past year that I wish I would have documented and I do not want to do that again. So, right now I am starting my pledge to blog whenever I possibly can.

❤ Liz


The Journalist at Work

January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I have a lot to look forward to this year and I can’t wait to get it all started! I have my finishing semester of my presidency for Whitewater Advertising Association, we have CAS our Collegiate Advertising Summit coming up in March as well as three agency tours! One in Madison, Wis. and two in Chicago, Ill! I also have AMA Nationals coming up in March and my presidency next fall for AMA! As well as I am looking into studying abroad next winter break!

But as for now, so far I have been really enjoying my winter course. One of our upcoming assignments is to interview an individual for a personality profile… I have to admit… had some trouble coming up with an individual I should interview. I decided I would reach out to some people in Milwaukee that I believe have extremely interesting jobs! Therefore I thought about some of my favorite things about Milwaukee and I e-mailed the Editor from Milwaukee Magazine. I love Milwaukee Magazine, I have also been considering looking into jobs that involve magazine publications. I love reading them! I have a stack of magazines that I enjoy just sitting around and reading once in a while. The layout, photos and the stories are all so different and interesting! Milwaukee Magazine is a magazine I have read in doctors offices and other places around Milwaukee and have really enjoyed. I look forward to speaking with Bruce!

Other than that, I have been struggling a bit at generating stories and ideas outside of class. I am trying to base my stories on what I am experiencing throughout this break and general things that I enjoy. I have been to many cities but Milwaukee will always be my “home”. I love the environment and the look and feel of this place in all four seasons! The feeling you get when you are walking downtown is by far my favorite.  One of my favorite memories of downtown is in high school whenever a group of friends and I would head downtown and grab some Alterra or Starbucks(mmmmm) and walk around the city.

Other than writing these past few days have been extremely busy with work! I work at Victoria’s Secret when I am home for breaks and the past few days I have been working some crazy hours! Our Semi-Annual Sale begins on Tuesday (tomorrow) and I have been scheduled straight from NYE-Tuesday marking down inventory and getting the store prepared for the big sale! Not going to complain though, I enjoy working at Vicky’s. Just tonight I am working from  6:30 p.m.-2:30 a.m setting up the final preparations and then working during the actual sale tomorrow! I have been looking at my job as a possible inspiration for some writing! There is definite potential for some interesting stories!

Since I spoke ohh so much about Milwaukee today I will leave you with a picture from one of those walks in high school!
